Email templates

Email templates are a guideline and we advise that you edit in line with your tone of voice.

Product placement email pitch template

Hi {name}

I hope you’re well and having a good week. {Insert compliment, refer to a recent feature or common ground if relevant and applicable}

I wanted to get in touch to suggest {product name} (£ product price) from us at {brand name - linked to website}. {Insert one line here on your brand or product: where it is made etc. Anything else that the press might find interesting}

Do you think the {product name} would be suitable for {feature name}? 

Brand name - Product name {- Product colour if needed} - Price (linked)

** Insert small product image suggestion here - lifestyle or product shot depending on the feature you're pitching to **

Let me know if there’s anything I can send you.

All the best, 


Product placement pitching notes:

  • Attach a lookbook or line sheet if relevant for your brand.

  • Press releases are not relevant for product pitches unless you are pitching a product that is part of a collaboration.

  • If it’s the first time you are contacting this editor, include a one-line brand description.

  • When you pitch again at a later date with a different product, start a new thread.

  • We recommend embedding any image suggestions into your email so they show up in the email body rather than as an attachment, but if you are having issues doing this with your email client, attach them instead.

  • If the editor wants a high-resolution image email, they will respond to you and request it.

Profile press email template

Hi {name}

I hope you’re well and having a good week. {Insert recent feature or common ground if relevant and applicable}

My name is {Insert} and I am the founder of/I work for {Insert brand name - linked to website} and I wanted to get in touch to put myself/the founder forward for your {feature name} {Sum up what you do and why you think their audience might be interested to learn more about your business, i.e 'I think that your audience would be really interested in hearing about my career experience especially with XXX and XXX. Plus anything else that particular editor might find interesting about you and your background/experience}

Please do let me know if you think I/founder name would work for {Insert feature} or if you would like to know any more information.

All the best, 


Profile press pitching notes:

  • Attach or embed imagery if relevant to the feature you are pitching to.

  • Press releases might be relevant for profile pitches if more information is required.

  • Good profile pitches need to be as tailored and relevant for the publication and feature as possible. Providing the editor with an interesting angle or 'hook' (struggle or challenge you overcame) is always recommended as opposed to a straightforward founder pitch (unless it's a founder/entrepreneur Q&A).

  • Read through previous features for a clear idea of frequent angles or content produced by that publication.

  • If pitching to a regional or a B2B service you use, specify that you live/work locally or use that service.

Following up guidance

Below are some suggestions on phrases we use to follow up. We recommend you use your brand tone of voice for this and tailor for product vs profile pitching.

“I recently suggested my {product name} and I wanted to follow up on the below to see if this is something that could be of interest for {feature name}? Do let me know if there are any images or details I can send you and I'll get that over to you asap.”

”I just wanted to follow up on the below”

”I wanted to check you received the below email, let me know if there is anything I can send you”

”I just wanted to follow up to see if the pitch below would be relevant for {publication name}”

”I wanted to check that you received the below. Do let me know if there are any high res images I can send you”

Following up notes:

  • Aim to send one follow-up email 5-7 days after the initial pitch. If longer, don’t worry - send it anyway.

  • Forward your original thread with the attachment/s.

  • After sending the follow-up, follow our guidance on when to pitch again with a new product or profile angle.

  • Follow our guidance on following up and tracking potential coverage here.

  • Handling product requests here

  • Handling profile requests here

    When not to follow up

    1. reactive opportunity. These opportunities, such as request opportunities, are often time-sensitive and an editor’s final path for sourcing brands, products or comments for their features. This means that they are usually working close to their final deadline and by the time you send your follow-up email the feature is already published and the editor is working on something new.

    2. When an editor responded to your initial email. The purpose of a follow-up email is to get your initial pitch back to the top of an editor’s inbox and increase the chances of them engaging with the pitch and getting in touch. If the editor has already responded to your email then a follow-up is redundant.

Request opportunities (also known as reactive press) email template

Hi {name}

I hope you’re well and having a good week.

I saw you were looking for {insert what the editor was requesting/looking for} and I think that I could help.

My name is {your name} and I am the {job title} at {insert brand name and what your brand is, i.e 'lifestyle brand' and a hyperlink to your website}

{Give a 2 or 3 sentence summary of your experience/brand/opinions highlighting anything that is particularly relevant to the specific journo request} 

Do let me know if there are any further details or images I can send you. I am happy to share these via email or we can have a quick call should that be easier. 

All the best, 


Product request:

Request opportunities notes:

  • Requests vary so you'll need to tailor your response to the specifics of the request.

  • For products, they will either ask for suggestions first or to be sent high-res images (or samples) straight away.

  • There is no need to follow up with request opportunities whether you are pitching on X or via email. Following up on these pitches is often not needed due to their rapid turnaround; by the time you act, the feature is usually finished, rendering your follow-up unnecessary.

  • If the editor has requested you respond via X then you will not have enough characters to use the above templates. Instead, you should comment on the specific tweet with something such as:

  • For product requests “ Hi, we have some great option(s) here at {website}. {1 or 2 very short sentences highlighting the key USPs of the product(s)} DM or drop us an email at {email} if you want more info or images.

  • For profile/comment requests “Hi, our founder could be a great fit for this. {1 or 2 very short sentences highlighting why you/your brand is relevant for the request} DM or drop us an email at {email} if you want more info

    You can also find more information on pitching via X (formerly Twitter) here.

Hi {name}

I hope you’re well and having a good week.

I saw you were looking for {insert what the editor was requesting/looking for} and I would love to suggest {insert the relevant product/products depending on what the editor has requested} from {insert brand name and what your brand is, i.e 'lifestyle brand' and a hyperlink to your website} for this feature as I think it might be a good fit. 

I've pulled together a selection of {cut out and/or lifestyle images depending on the request} in a Dropbox-folder saved with the prices which you can view here {insert hyperlink to the folder}.

Do let me know if there are any further details or images I can send you. 

All the best, 


Comment / opinion / person request:

Product placement email template: Gifting

Hi {name}

I hope you’re well and having a good week. {Insert compliment, refer to a recent feature or common ground if relevant and applicable}

I wanted to get in touch as we’d love to send you a gift of your choice from us here at {Insert brand name - linking to website}.

{Sum up what you do, what products you offer and why you want to gift them some product i.e. ‘we’re inspired by your dedication to showcasing small businesses’/ ‘as a thank you for supporting us’. Plus anything else that particular editor might find interesting about your brand.}

**Insert 1-2 lifestyle images here to give the editor an idea/reminder of your brand aesthetic**

Please find a line sheet attached below/go to our website {hyperlink to website} to select {specify what/how many items they are allowed to select}. Do let me know what you would like to receive as well as the best delivery address and we shall get this arranged for you as soon as possible.

All the best, 


Product placement gifting notes:

  • You can either allow the editor to select products from your entire website or if you only want them to select from a certain range or product selection you can attach a special gifting line sheet from which they can choose.

Product placement email template: Tried & tested

Hi {name}

I hope you’re well and having a good week. {Insert compliment, refer to a recent feature or common ground if relevant and applicable}

I wanted to get in touch to suggest {product name} (£ product price) from us at {brand name - linked to website} as we think it would be a great addition for {feature name}. {Insert one line here on your brand or product: where it is made etc. Anything else that the press might find interesting}

We would love to send you a sample of the {product name - linked to product page} so that you could try it for yourself. 

** Insert small lifestyle or cut out product image here ** 

Please do let us know if you would like to try the {product name} (if you also need input on scent, size, flavour, etc request that here ie ‘if you have a particular scent/flavour preference let me know’) and the best delivery address for us to send your sample to.

All the best, 


Tried & tested gifting notes:

  • When it comes to tried & tested, please remember that you will not receive the product back.

Product placement email template: Sample chasing

Hi {name}

I hope you’re well and having a good week.

We sent the requested samples above on {date the items were sent} and I can see from the shipping information that they arrived with you on {the date the items arrived with the editor/at the requested address}. We have not yet received the returned samples and I was hoping that you could give me an update on when we could expect these back?

I have reattached images of the sent items below for ease of reference. Let me know if there are any issues at all.

** Insert small product imagery of the sent items. **

All the best, 


Product placement - sample chasing notes:

  • If the editor has given you a returns date when requesting the samples, leave 7-10 days after the date of the return before emailing the editor. If they have not provided you with a returns date, leave 3-4 weeks from the date you sent the item(s) before emailing the editor.

  • Always make sure to follow up with the original email thread with the attachment (s) visible so that the editor can quickly view your initial email and the full details.

Responding to advertorial requests email template

Hi {name}

It is great to hear from you and to know that you think {brand name - linked to website} would be of interest to your readers.

Unfortunately at this time we do not have the budget for any paid features and are only interested in pursuing unpaid opportunities. Should you need any imagery or information from us for an unpaid feature that you feel we would be suitable for in the future please do not hesitate to get in touch.

All the best, 


Advertorial notes:

  • You want to ensure that in any responses to advertorial enquiries, you are being firm and clearly stating that you are unwilling to pay to be featured whilst not damaging any potential relationships, should an unpaid opportunity arise in the future.