Knowing the right time and way to follow up on your pitch

The right wording

Below are some suggestions on phrases we use to follow up. We recommend you use your brand tone of voice for this and tailor it for product, profile and gift guide pitching:

“I recently suggested my {product name} and I wanted to follow up on the below to see if this is something that could be of interest for {feature name}? Let me know if there are any images or details I can send you and I'll get that over to you asap.”

”I just wanted to follow up on the below.”

”I wanted to check if you received the below email, let me know if there is anything I can send you.”

”I just wanted to follow up to see if the pitch below would be relevant for {publication name}.”

”I wanted to check that you received the below. Do let me know if there are any high res images I can send you.”

When and how:

Aim to send one follow-up email 5-7 days after the initial pitch. If longer, don’t worry — send it anyway.

Forward your original thread with the attachment (s).

After sending the follow-up, use our guidance on when to pitch again with a new product or profile angle.