
When it comes to PR for eCommerce brands, there’s nothing we haven’t seen. From navigating press jargon (oh hello glossary) to next steps after being cut from a feature, we’ve got you covered.

Why editors don’t respond

Followed our guidance and pitched consistently? Then it’s only a matter of time. In the meantime, discover why they might not be responding to your pitches.


  1. Use keywords in email pitches
    You’ll instantly be more searchable within an editor’s inbox.

  2. Pitch again with new product or angle
    A little refresh can do wonders.

  3. Interact with the editor on social media
    Stay on the press’s radar beyond emails.

  4. Pitch again following an imagery refresh
    Inject new life into your pitches with updated visuals.

  5. Follow up
    Emails get overlooked, so follow up. Once.

  6. Increase profile press
    Establish the brand as an industry leader through profile press.

  7. Follow our pitching guidance
    Include the right assets and hyperlinks.

What the press say (& actually mean)

  • "I'm not working on anything relevant at the moment but will be working on some new content next month, so will keep you posted.“

    They mean: This isn’t right for me right now, but it might be for a future feature I have planned.

    What to do: Respond positively and say you’ll stay in touch. Make a note of the timeframe (if given) and get back in touch at a later date.

  • "Ive added it to my forward-planner / Received and saved on file/ Filed for consideration"

    They mean: This isn’t right for what I’m working on right now but the brand is a good fit for our publication. If we’ve got any suitable features in the future, I’ll be in touch.

    What to do: Stay on their radar. Continue to pitch to the editor focusing on different products or topics that you think will be of interest.

  • "Nothing"

    They mean: I’m not able to respond right now. Your email is in my inbox and if it’s right for a future feature. I’ll let you know.

    What to do: Continue to pitch to the editor focusing on different products or angles that you think will be of interest.



Tracking down
potential coverage

1. Ask for a publication date
When you’re responding with assets or info requested, ask for the potential publishing date.

2. Don’t hassle. Track your coverage
If you don’t get an answer to the above, don’t chase. Track coverage.

3. Keep an eye out
Read the publication and look out for inclusion.

4. Check the digital version
Sometimes print publish their content online as well, so worth doing a quick search.

5. Say thank you
Once the feature has been published, send a thank you and keep the relationship going.

Looking for something else?
Handling product requests ▸
Handling profile requests ▸

Didn’t make the cut?

It happens that stories, products and even full articles don’t make the final edit.

After cut coverage:

  • Know that if the brand was considered it means it’s a good fit for future features within that publication

  • Invest in that relationship. Stay in touch and pitch for future opportunities  

  • Keep an eye on the publication. Sometimes a product or angle doesn’t make the particular feature it was requested for but is used in future features

No responses after 8 months. Are you pitching: