Product placement pitching

Product placement across TV, print or online media is one of the best ways to reach large audiences - for free. When done consistently, brands increase awareness and credibility. This section covers:

Product press in 3 minutes

Strategy framework

Our framework to support you in establishing pitch angles that get noticed by the press.

Password: 'stratchat'

Foundations of product press

  • PR images & other assets video

  • PR imagery & asset checklist

  • Image requirements for press use

  • Establishing press worthy product video

Line sheets guidelines

Line sheets can be attached to pitch emails to showcase a wider range of products than the ones suggested in the email.

1. Line sheets are only required for large or future product ranges

2. One page PDF shorting products for press consideration

3. Include:

  • Cut out shots with product names

  • Retail pricing

  • Contact information

4. A press release is not a prerequisite to pitching. It’s a useful added extra

5. Need inspiration? We’ve rounded up favourites here

Look book guidelines

Look books are rarely requested by the press but are created by fashion and homeware brands to showcase seasonal collections.

1. 4-5 page PDF of lifestyle images from one collection

2. Include a short brand bio

3. Digital PDF over printed version - many press offices are paperless

4. Not a prerequisite or necessary unless desired

Expert product pitching advice

Looking for…

Product pitch template

The first step to sending emails that get noticed. Copy, paste, amend and you’re away

One-off products or limited runs

A slightly different approach is required when pitching these to the press

Lead times

Understanding lead times and pitch frequency is crucial for increasing your chances of press coverage.


  1. Respond quickly
    The press work to tight deadlines so send anything as quickly as possible

  2. Imagery request
    ▸ Small number of high-resolution images requested: Attach these to your email
    ▸ Larger selection requested: Upload to Dropbox and share

  3. Sample request
    Need to lend a sample to the press? Find out how here

  4. Name images correctly
    Follow this format: Brand name - Price - Homepage web address. Find out more

  5. Follow up and track potential coverage. Read more

  6. This information is also what you would include in a ‘credit’ if it is requested by the editor

Lending vs tried & tested vs gifted

Good to knows:

  • Always gift to build relationships rather than gift with expectations.

  • Lending sheet template can be found here

Maximising TV coverage

Resources from video

  • When & how; press release information here.

  • Sharing your coverage checklist here.