Foundations | Handling, tracking & maximising coverage

Doing PR in-house, means you are best placed to react quickly to coverage secured. It's not just about the coverage though: filtering it into your owned marketing channels is as important as the coverage itself.

Who wouldn’t want to boost awareness, touch points and consumer trust?

Sharing coverage checklist

Maximising TV appearances

Set up Google Alerts

It’s easy to create a Google Alert that lets you know if your brand has been mentioned online. Follow set-up here

Work smarter, not harder

Use a backlink tracker to do some of the work for you. Discover online press through a backlink tracker using a service such as

Republishing coverage

If you’re republishing coverage through your own marketing channels, you might be contacted by the NLA to obtain a media access copyright license.

The Content Works has written a blog post that may help to explain the laws, you can view it here