3. Delegating & allocating time for PR

A question we’ve been ask many times is what qualities does someone who ‘good’ at PR, possess. It’s simple, organised and disciplined - everything else one needs for PR, is taught (in this case by us).

We’ve found over the years that those best at securing press coverage, are often those with no previous PR experience (see here) but are not naive to the fact that PR outreach is an non-urgent (but important) task that takes time to see results and therefore will often creep to the bottom of the to-do list. This section is designed to ensure that whether you are delegating or doing PR yourself, it’s always a weekly priority.


Time is scarce, we know.

But that means using your time efficiently is more important than ever.

PR is considered an important but not urgent task that helps grow brand awareness but needs to be done consistently to see maximum results.

Scheduling these not urgent but important tasks, like PR, in your diary will help ensure that they are done week after week and that you are working towards your long-term PR goals.

Other useful resources

  • Delegating guidelines

    What qualities does your in-house PR need? Hint: it’s not what you think

  • Co-working call

    A group working session with live chat support from our experts if needed.

  • Staying organised

    Pitching tracker allows you to on top of PR, seamlessly.