Delegating your PR

PR isn’t rocket science, but we reckon you could do that too. 

Whether you’re a founder or a manager and want to grow your brand awareness with PR, it might be time to look at hiring someone to help, or delegating it to someone in your team.

Organisational Skills

Keeping on top of PR assets as well as who has been contacted, with what angle & when and tracking potential coverage are key responsibilities of this role.

Qualities needed for PR

PR experience not necessary

20 years of agency experience taught us you don’t need one. 

Gone are the days when PR seemed like a dark art that only a few could master, and we’re here to power you to be the PR experts. 

You don’t need agency experience, or even PR experience, and navigating the world of PR for your eComm brand is more accessible than ever through the PR Dispatch platform.

We’ve brought together 24+ years of PR industry experience, so you can learn exactly how to pitch the brand you work for, or how your team can do it, too. 

If you’re hiring someone to do your PR in-house, or delegating it to someone in the team, you’re looking for someone who understands the brand’s essence, because we know that PR is the most powerful when it’s done by the person closest to the product. 

Email us to add them to your PR Dispatch account as a user and we’ll teach them the rest.


Training your team to do your brand’s PR is one of the best ways to get your brand seen and heard in the right places, and raise your brand awareness. 

It’s the piece of the sales and marketing puzzle that often gets overlooked, but earned media is one of the fastest ways to gain brand credibility. 

Email us to add a team member to your account, and we’ll show them the ropes so they can run with your brand’s PR.  

Remember, the person in charge of PR doesn’t have to solely do this as their role. PR integrates seamlessly with those who work in marketing, sales, and admin. 

Want some suggestions?

We don’t have a list of freelancers or VAs that you can work with on the platform because we know PR is most powerful when it’s done by those closest to the product - that’s you, and your team. 

However, if you need some suggestions on how to integrate PR into a role you already have in-house, feel free to ask fellow members in the Community Group on how they delegate their PR. 

Passionate Storyteller

Bonus: PR outreach and especially profile pitching will require someone to weave your brand's journey into captivating narratives that resonate with editors.

Digital Savviness

Bonus: Online press is the coverage that keeps on giving so having a team member with a strong understanding of digital platforms will ensure that you maximise your chances of being featured in these spaces.


The PR landscape evolves at lightning speed. They should have the agility to swiftly jump on changing trends and consumer behaviours while keeping your brand message consistent.