Glossary of terms

Our glossary helps you to make sense of the PR world, and gets you familiar with the language that publications and editors use. 

ADVERTORIAL A paid-for feature in a magazine or a newspaper, which can sometimes be disguised as a regular piece of content - look for the 'advertorial' sign, usually in the top corner of the page.

ASSET Anything that you can share with the press - such as imagery, line sheets and press releases.

BRAND BLURB A brief summary of a brand in 2-3 sentences.

BRAND STORY The story behind a brand - the reason for starting the brand, the USP, where the idea came from, etc.  

CALL-IN When an editor requests imagery or samples of a product or brand.

CLOSING THE ISSUE The press might use the term 'we are closing the issue this week' meaning it will be closed for any further product suggestions. 

COPY Any written content about a brand or products.

CREDIT Credit details that the press uses when featuring a brand - usually 'Brand name/price/stockist or website'.

DAILIES Any publications or newspapers that are published daily.

EDITOR The person who is in charge and determines the final content of the publication. 

EDITOR’S MEETING A meeting where the editors discuss what features and interviews will be included in each issue. 

EDITORIAL  A series of themed photographs in a publication that is styled, involves models and usually follows a theme.

EDITORIAL CALENDAR A schedule that keeps track of features - from concept to development to publishing. 

EMBARGO DATE Also known as ‘Release Date’. An embargo is a request from a source to an editor to delay the publication of a news story or product launch until a specified date and time ie the embargo date. Often used for new launches and collaborations.

FEATURE A piece of press - ranging from shopping features to interviews.

HIGH RES Images that are 300DPI or above - images need to meet this requirement to be featured in print.

IN-HOUSE PR that is done by a person or team working for the brand.

JOURNALIST A person who writes for newspapers or magazines, covering any topic and news. 

#journorequest Posted on Twitter, and sometimes Threads, the #journorequest hashtag is used by journalists/freelancers who are looking for information, products, comments and stories for projects they’re working on.

LEAD-TIME The amount of time that the magazine needs in the production process, from the pitched idea to the published version. 

LINE SHEET A simple, 1-page PDF document that allows an editor to see a brand's products on one page. Useful for brands with larger collections and those pitching to long-lead press with new products that are not available on the website yet.

LONG LEAD Publications (such as Red and GQ) that work on stories from 3-5 months in advance of the publish date.

LOOK BOOK A digital PDF showcasing a brand's collection through product and lifestyle imagery. Only useful for high-end or seasonal fashion brands. Rarely requested by the press, but beneficial to proactively send if applicable.

MEDIA KIT A digital information packet functioning as a resume about a business.

OUTREACH The process of reaching out to editors and journalists.

PITCH An email or phone call to publications introducing a brand or product - or suggesting a story to a journalist or editor. 

PRESS DAY An event to showcase a brand's forthcoming season's collections and new product launches to the press.

PRESS DECK Another word for 'media kit', a 'press deck' is an information packet functioning as a resume about a business.

PRESS KIT The same as a 'media kit'. 

PRESS RELEASE A written PDF, primarily required for time-sensitive, news-worthy, need‑to‑know information to circulate press.

PRESS WORTHY A pitch that is relevant and interesting to a publication and its readers - a product an editor will want to feature or a story suggestion they want to run. 

PROFILE PRESS Generally a longer format feature that focuses on a person/founder behind a brand - can range from podcasts to written interviews.

READERSHIP The readers of a newspaper or publication.

REGIONAL PUBLICATION A publication that is circulated in a specific area and focuses on stories relating to their local area and/or county.

REGULAR FEATURE A regular weekly or monthly feature in a publication, i.e a shopping story like The Style List, in The Stylist. 

SEASONAL FEATURE A one-off feature in a publication showing the seasonally dependent product. 

SAMPLE The press might want to borrow a brand's product so they can consider it for inclusion in editorial shoots.

SHORT LEAD Publications or newspapers (such as Grazia and The Sunday Times Style) that work 2 weeks-2 months ahead of the publish date. 

TARGET AUDIENCE The demographic of people who are most likely to show interest in a brand and products.