Core PR Database

Before you dive in:

  1. Follow our guidance in setting up your database and tracker.

  2. We’re constantly checking and updating database details. If an email bounces back, let us know here.

  3. We list the best features from UK publications for eCommerce brand exposure. If you think we’re missing a feature, fill in our feature request form. There’s no guarantee we’ll add it, but we do consider all.

  4. And finally, as per our T&Cs, please don’t remove data from the database.



Highlights a founder, brand story, opinion or experience to create emotional connection with potential customers.

placement press

Focused on a particular product or collection to build brand awareness and credibility with consumers.

Media types

  • Consumer mags

    Covering a wide range of topics including lifestyle, entertainment, fashion, health, and news. Available in print or digital.

  • Niche consumer

    Operating independently in print and digital, niche magazines provide an alternative to mainstream media, exploring niche topics and products.

  • National newspapers

    Distributed and read nationwide with topics ranging from news and politics to lifestyle and entertainment.

  • Radio & TV

    Less exposure opportunities compared to consumer magazines and national newspapers, but worth considering to reach a wide audience.

  • Freelancer

    A journalist, writer or stylist who works independently without any affiliation to a specific company. Follow our guidance below to learn how to pitch to them.

  • Podcasts

    A powerful way to share brand or founder stories and tap into micro niches across a broad range of topics.

  • B2B

    B2B (business-to-business) media targeted at businesses and professionals rather than consumers. If the B2B content is on a service website (like Xero) you’ll need to use that service to be considered

  • Regional

    Don’t underestimate the power of regional press coverage. For most regional publications, you’ll need a connection to the area to be considered.

Sectors & interests


Selected based on product sectors covered by the publication or person. The publication may cover other product sectors infrequently.


Chosen based on angles and topics previously covered frequently by the publication or person including sustainability, LGBTQIA+ brands, mental health or stories on working parents.