1. Getting started roadmap

Once you’ve worked through steps 1-5 in the initial set up (this is step 1) we recommend that you brush up your PR skills before pitching to the press. We’ve proven time & time again that those that watch and learn from our PR insight sections, delivers better PR results. We’ve condensed our 20+ years of PR experience into short impactful video, visual and written learning. To cater for all levels of experience we’ve broken down the learning for:

  • PR novice

  • Some background

  • Expert

  • PR novice

    First time doing PR? No problem. Our Foundations will bring to scratch in under an hour. Once gone from imagery to finding publications you’ll be ready for more in depth advice.

    1st: PR Insights: Foundations

    2nd: PR Insights: Product & profile

    3rd: PR Insights: Strategy

  • Some background

    Do you have an understanding of good PR foundations? We recommend:

    1st: PR Insights: Product & profile

    2nd: PR Insights: Strategy

  • Expert

    For those with extensive eCommerce PR experience dive straight in with understanding our Strategy framework and start pitching.

    1st: PR Insights: Strategy

Next steps

Powerful PR is consistent. Once you’re up to scratch on how to pitch the next steps are doing it. Our press database will become a valuable tool in your day to day PR activity. Once set up, you’ll be able to track all your PR activity from our platform.

Follow our guidance on what good PR looks like weekly, here