Welcome to PR Dispatch

Welcome back. PR is most powerful when done by the people closest to the product: that’s you. Consistency is key to securing repeat coverage so block out that time for PR, weekly.

What’s new:

  • The Q4 Strategy Live call is this Thursday 19th at 1pm. A replay will be available after the call. If you’re keen to catch up on the last Q3 call where Rosie shared what profile hooks and products she’d be pitching in over the summer, you can Watch back here.

  • New in - a brand new 2024 Key Dates to Leverage PR & Marketing resource is now available. Filled with invaluable dates and events to have to hand when planning your quarterly PR strategy. You can access it here.

  • We have renamed your Core plan to Lite. You might also notice some changes in our pricing structure on our website and marketing, but don’t worry, nothing about your current plan or price is changing. Your access remains exactly the same. However, we have some exciting developments coming soon, including a new package later this year, which you’ll be invited to upgrade to. Stay tuned.

    Rosie & Team PR Dispatch

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