Pitching a one-off or limited edition product

If your brand offers one-of-a-kind items or limited editions, then here’s what you can do to improve your chances of getting featured.

Play on the fact they are unique or limited: Be direct by saying something such as 'all of our products are unique and prices range from x to x' but you can also play on how they're unique - i.e are they handmade/hand-painted or made from recycled fabrics? Make this part of your brand story.

Mention how often they are released: For product-led features, mention how often items are made available. Is it as and when you find/make them? Or is it done in drops, i.e 10 unique items every 2-3 months? You need to be specific so the editor or journalist knows what they’re working with.

Consider your imagery: As each item differs, publications may favour using a lifestyle shot over a cut-out of the product.

Think about the process: Especially for one-off and handcrafted items,  pitch the process of creating your items. Behind the scenes imagery works really well, and pitch to profile-focussed spaces or news-style features with the story of the process.

Think about your CTA: For product features that offer a write-up on the brand or product, you need to be able to direct the reader somewhere even if, at the time, you do not have any for sale. Telling the editor that 'if the products are sold out, readers can join the waitlist for the next drop' is a great CTA for the press to use.