
If you get an automated reply, here’s our quick guide on what to do and what to say.

Auto-reply: “I’m away on annual leave.”
The most common reply.
No action needed, apart from putting a note of their return date in your diary, and hang fire on sending any more emails until they are back.

Auto-reply: “I’m away from my desk this afternoon on a shoot/in meetings.”
No action needed, they will pick it up when they’re back, but don’t worry if it isn’t until the next day or a couple of days later.

Auto-reply: “I am now on maternity/paternity leave.”
If their reply states who to get in touch with in their absence, then pitch to them instead. If it was a reply from someone in our database, then please forward their auto-reply to us and we will get their information updated, and who to pitch to instead for all members.

Auto-reply: “I have now left the publication.”
If this is a contact listed in our PR Dispatch database, please forward their
auto-reply to us at and we will replace this contact asap.

Auto-reply: “The email cannot be found.”
If this is a contact listed in our PR Dispatch database, please forward their
auto-reply to us at and we will replace this contact asap.

Auto-reply: “This inbox is full.”
This is pretty rare, but you may receive this response if an editor has been absent for an extended period of time (i.e. on maternity leave) and their inbox has become overwhelmed in their absence. If this is a contact listed in any of the PR Dispatch databases, please forward their auto-response to us at and we will get their information checked and updated asap.